Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Encouraging Day

I finished my second day of student teaching and I officially have my own desk! Also, I really began learning the students names in my two classrooms. This will be an on going challenge.

To start my day off Amy Grimes (my other mentor teacher) asked me to teach the phonics portion of the reading lesson. This was a lot of fun. As we began to go through the words and make new words, I made one mistake and I don't think I will ever live it down. These kids keep you on your toes! The phonics program that they use, starts with one word such as "pray" and you ask students to change one letter to make the word "play" and you go on like this with different words. Well, I skipped a word on accedent therefore making the next word not work. Needless to say, they caught me! So, instead of adding a letter to the word we subtracted a letter and it all worked out. But, they made sure to remind me about the word I forgot for the rest of the time I was there.

To follow up on the math group that I worked with yesterday, they all passed their assessment with flying colors! 4 out of the 5 students revived a 100%. This was very exciting.

Walking out of the door to leave the class, one of my students, Haley came up to me and said, "Ms. Craig, I can't wait for you to come back and teach in our class some more, because you are a really good teacher." - how encouraging!


  1. Remember that little girl's words in the future when you have a bad day. Mentally store the encouraging words and throw away the discouraging ones.

  2. Coleigh is totally right! One of the things my student teacher taught me was to make a file. In that file, I was to store any notes, cards, pictures, emails, etc. that I received from my students (or their parents). Then, should I have a bad day or something, I could turn to that file and look at some encouraging words. It works! :)

    So glad that things are off to a great start! Hooray! :)
